
深度学习 TensorFlow 教程(中文全集)


18课时 共205811秒 更新时间:2018-09-15 15:26:22

已有 1 人学习



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会员 1、Lecture 1 Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning_x26401:11:40 [+]
会员 2、Lecture 2 Word Vector Representations word2vec_batch01:18:16 [+]
会员 3、Lecture 3 GloVe Global Vectors for Word Representation_batch01:18:39 [+]
会员 4、Lecture 4 Word Window Classification and Neural Networks_batch01:16:42 [+]
会员 5、Lecture 5 Backpropagation and Project Advice_batch01:18:19 [+]
会员 6、Lecture 6 Dependency Parsing_batch01:23:05 [+]
会员 7、Lecture 7 Introduction to TensorFlow_batch01:12:32 [+]
会员 8、Lecture 8 Recurrent Neural Networks and Language Models_batch01:18:02 [+]
会员 9、Lecture 9 Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs_batch01:20:27 [+]
会员 10、Lecture 10 Neural Machine Translation and Models with Attention - YouTube_batch01:21:23 [+]
会员 11、Lecture 11 Gated Recurrent Units and Further Topics in NMT_batch01:19:59 [+]
会员 12、Lecture 12 End-to-End Models for Speech Processing_batch01:16:34 [+]
会员 13、Lecture 13 Convolutional Neural Networks_batch01:22:11 [+]
会员 14、Lecture 14 Tree Recursive Neural Networks and Constituency Parsing_batch00:00 [+]
会员 15、Lecture 15 Coreference Resolution_batch01:20:44 [+]
会员 16、Lecture 16 Dynamic Neural Networks for Question Answering_batch00:00 [+]
会员 17、Lecture 17 Issues in NLP and Possible Architectures for NLP_batch01:18:57 [+]
会员 18、Lecture 18 Tackling the Limits of Deep Learning for NLP_batch01:20:41 [+]


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