


99课时 共83937秒 更新时间:2018-09-15 15:35:39

已有 0 人学习



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学员 1、01 - The Course Overview03:42 [+]
学员 2、02 - Downloading and Installing Python03:03 [+]
学员 3、03 - Using the Command Line and the Interactive Shell03:30 [+]
学员 4、04 - Installing Packages with pip02:55 [+]
学员 5、05 - Finding Packages in the Python Package Index03:08 [+]
学员 6、06 - Creating an Empty Package04:10 [+]
学员 7、07 - Adding Modules to the Package04:37 [+]
学员 8、08 - Importing One of the Package's Modules from Another05:01 [+]
学员 9、09 - Adding Data Files to the Package02:33 [+]
学员 10、10 - PEP 8 and Writing Readable Code06:20 [+]
学员 11、11 - Using Version Control06:00 [+]
学员 12、12 - Using venv to Create a Stable and Isolated Work Area03:26 [+]
学员 13、13 - Getting the Most Out of docstrings Part 1 – PEP 257 and Sphinx06:23 [+]
学员 14、14 - Getting the Most Out of docstrings Part 2 – doctest02:51 [+]
学员 15、15 - Making a Package Executable via python – m04:15 [+]
学员 16、16 - Handling Command-line Arguments with argparse05:20 [+]
学员 17、17 - Text-mode Interactivity03:38 [+]
学员 18、18 - Executing Other Programs05:04 [+]
学员 19、19 - Using Shell Scripts or Batch Files to Launch Programs01:53 [+]
学员 20、20 - Using concurrent.futures09:57 [+]
学员 21、21 - Using Multiprocessing08:37 [+]
学员 22、22 - Understanding Why Asynchronous I_O Isn't Like Parallel Processing05:51 [+]
学员 23、23 - Using the asyncio Event Loop and Coroutine Scheduler05:26 [+]
学员 24、24 - Futures06:04 [+]
学员 25、25 - Making Asynchronous Tasks Interoperate05:51 [+]
学员 26、26 - Communicating across the Network03:15 [+]
学员 27、27 - Using Function Decorators00:00 [+]
学员 28、28 - Using Function Annotations04:55 [+]
学员 29、29 - Using Class Decorators04:28 [+]
学员 30、30 - Using Metaclasses04:55 [+]
学员 31、31 - Using Context Managers04:41 [+]
学员 32、32 - Using Descriptors05:37 [+]
学员 33、33 - Understanding the Principles of Unit Testing03:32 [+]
学员 34、34 - Using unittest05:36 [+]
学员 35、35 - Using unittest.mock05:39 [+]
学员 36、36 - Using unittest's Test Discovery03:56 [+]
学员 37、37 - Using Nose for Unified Test Discovery and Reporting03:59 [+]
学员 38、38 - The Course Overview03:55 [+]
学员 39、39 - Brief Introduction to Data Mining04:37 [+]
学员 40、40 - Data Mining Basic Concepts and Applications07:06 [+]
学员 41、41 - Why Python03:31 [+]
学员 42、42 - Basics of Python05:55 [+]
学员 43、43 - Installing IPython02:09 [+]
学员 44、44 - Installing the Numpy Library04:32 [+]
学员 45、45 - Installing the pandas Library05:32 [+]
学员 46、46 - Installing Matplotlib02:42 [+]
学员 47、47 - Installing scikit-learn02:37 [+]
学员 48、48 - Data Cleaning05:31 [+]
学员 49、49 - Data Preprocessing Techniques05:08 [+]
学员 50、50 - Linear Regression Basic Model Approach08:24 [+]
学员 51、51 - Evaluating Regression Models05:31 [+]
学员 52、52 - Basic Regression Model Implementation to Predict House Prices09:20 [+]
学员 53、53 - Regression Model Implementation to Predict Television Show Viewers09:46 [+]
学员 54、54 - Logistic Regression04:01 [+]
学员 55、55 - K – Nearest Neighbors Classifier05:51 [+]
学员 56、56 - Support Vector Machine05:41 [+]
学员 57、57 - Logistic Regression Model Implementation10:45 [+]
学员 58、58 - K – Nearest Neighbor Classifier Implementation10:44 [+]
学员 59、59 - The Course Overview03:52 [+]
学员 60、60 - What Is Deep Learning04:08 [+]
学员 61、61 - Open Source Libraries for Deep Learning04:31 [+]
学员 62、62 - Deep Learning Hello World! Classifying the MNIST Data07:57 [+]
学员 63、63 - Introduction to Backpropagation05:23 [+]
学员 64、64 - Understanding Deep Learning with Theano05:04 [+]
学员 65、65 - Optimizing a Simple Model in Pure Theano07:54 [+]
学员 66、66 - Keras Behind the Scenes05:24 [+]
学员 67、67 - Fully Connected or Dense Layers04:46 [+]
学员 68、68 - Convolutional and Pooling Layers06:40 [+]
学员 69、69 - Large Scale Datasets, ImageNet, and Very Deep Neural Networks05:17 [+]
学员 70、70 - Loading Pre-trained Models with Theano05:16 [+]
学员 71、71 - Reusing Pre-trained Models in New Applications07:22 [+]
学员 72、72 - Theano for Loops – the scan Module05:18 [+]
学员 73、73 - Recurrent Layers06:28 [+]
学员 74、74 - Recurrent Versus Convolutional Layers03:43 [+]
学员 75、75 - Recurrent Networks –Training a Sentiment Analysis Model for Text06:50 [+]
学员 76、76 - Bonus Challenge – Automatic Image Captioning04:41 [+]
学员 77、77 - Captioning TensorFlow – Google's Machine Learning Library05:15 [+]
学员 78、78 - The Course Overview02:59 [+]
学员 79、79 - Installing TensorFlow05:34 [+]
学员 80、80 - Simple Computations05:31 [+]
学员 81、81 - Logistic Regression Model Building06:58 [+]
学员 82、82 - Logistic Regression Training04:53 [+]
学员 83、83 - Basic Neural Nets05:16 [+]
学员 84、84 - Single Hidden Layer Model05:06 [+]
学员 85、85 - Single Hidden Layer Explained04:32 [+]
学员 86、86 - Multiple Hidden Layer Model05:22 [+]
学员 87、87 - Multiple Hidden Layer Results04:43 [+]
学员 88、88 - Convolutional Layer Motivation05:03 [+]
学员 89、89 - Convolutional Layer Application06:56 [+]
学员 90、90 - Pooling Layer Motivation03:59 [+]
学员 91、91 - Pooling Layer Application04:18 [+]
学员 92、92 - Deep CNN06:29 [+]
学员 93、93 - Deeper CNN04:08 [+]
学员 94、94 - Wrapping Up Deep CNN04:55 [+]
学员 95、95 - Introducing Recurrent Neural Networks09:03 [+]
学员 96、96 - skflow09:19 [+]
学员 97、97 - RNNs in skflow04:04 [+]
学员 98、98 - Research Evaluation06:55 [+]
学员 99、99 - The Future of TensorFlow04:19 [+]


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