1、首先像素读取顺序不同from PIL import Imageimg = Image.open("test.jpg")print img.sizeprint img.getpixel((0,0)) 输出结果是 (533, 800)(217, 229, 225)img = cv2.imread(""test.jpg"")print img.shapeprint img[0][0]输出结果是 (800, 533, 3)[225 229 217]img = cv2.imread(""test.jpg"")[..., ::-1]print img.shapeprint img[0][0]输出结果是 (800, 533, 3)[217 229 225]和用PIL 读取完的一致 2、cv2 图像读取方法的参数解释首先我们先来看一下这个函数的定义
def imread(filename, flags=None) - filename
- Windows bitmaps - \*.bmp, \*.dib (always supported)- JPEG files - \*.jpeg, \*.jpg, \*.jpe (see the *Note* section)- JPEG 2000 files - \*.jp2 (see the *Note* section)- Portable Network Graphics - \*.png (see the *Note* section)- WebP - \*.webp (see the *Note* section)- Portable image format - \*.pbm, \*.pgm, \*.ppm \*.pxm, \*.pnm (always supported)- Sun rasters - \*.sr, \*.ras (always supported)- TIFF files - \*.tiff, \*.tif (see the *Note* section)- OpenEXR Image files - \*.exr (see the *Note* section)- Radiance HDR - \*.hdr, \*.pic (always supported)- Raster and Vector geospatial data supported by GDAL (see the *Note* section)- flags
@param flags Flag that can take values of cv::ImreadModes
Flags指定了所读取图片的颜色类型, 默认值为1
对应值为 -1 到 4
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]参数Value
IMREAD_UNCHANGEDIf set, return the loaded image as is (with alpha channel, otherwise it gets cropped).
IMREAD_GRAYSCALEIf set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image.
IMREAD_COLORIf set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image.
IMREAD_ANYDEPTHIf set, return 16-bit/32-bit image when the input has the corresponding depth, otherwise convert it to 8-bit.
IMREAD_ANYCOLORIf set, the image is read in any possible color format.
IMREAD_LOAD_GDALIf set, use the gdal driver for loading the image.
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)]参数Value
flag=18位深度 ,3通道
flag=48位深度 ,3通道
- IMREAD_UNCHANGED :不进行转化,比如保存为了16位的图片,读取出来仍然为16位。
- IMREAD_GRAYSCALE :进行转化为灰度图,比如保存为了16位的图片,读取出来为8位,类型为CV_8UC1。
- IMREAD_COLOR :进行转化为三通道图像。
- IMREAD_ANYDEPTH :如果图像深度为16位则读出为16位,32位则读出为32位,其余的转化为8位。
- IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL :使用GDAL驱动读取文件,GDAL(Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)是一个在X/MIT许可协议下的开源栅格空间数据转换库。它利用抽象数据模型来表达所支持的各种文件格式。它还有一系列命令行工具来进行数据转换和处理。